Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Well as of today, I have had zero responses for what my blog should look like.
So today I am going to talk about prayer.

Prayer has inspired countless books, debates, songs, poems, and lives. Though there is little that is new to be said about prayer, consider the following perspectives:

Prayer is simply communication with God. Christianity talks about a personal God, not a " force," "concept," or " abstract idea." God is a person-we can know Him. Imagine that! Small, limited, finite human beings are invited to know God in a personal way. WOW! How cool is that? Without the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ this concept of knowing God personally would never happen.

What happens when we spend time with God? Basically, three things;

1. We can tell God what is on our mind: our worries, joys, fears, hopes, PAINS - everything.

2. In our prayers we can hear God: this requires less talking, and more listening. - most of us are better talkers then listeners - but listening to God can be very rewarding experience. Imagine in your own personal relationships you always talk and never listen, if how would that effect your relationships with others?

3. When we pray we are in the presence of God. Prayer brings us into the throne room of God ( Hebrews 4:16 ) , where we may present our request, praise, confessions, etc.

We can speak to God in the way we would to our most trusted friend. God wants us to speak to Him daily. The more time we spend in the presence of God it will began to have an effect on us: we will begin to become more like Him.
Have you ever noticed that when two people spend a lot of time together, they began to talk, act, and even think alike? The same principle applies to our own relationship with God.

So how much do you resemble God?

Go today to God and spend some quality time with Him. You will not regret it, instead you will be blessed.

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