Friday, August 27, 2010


Today we are looking at chapter five of Hosea....

Your deeds won’t let you return to your God.
      You are a prostitute through and through,
      and you do not know the Lord. vr4

Persistent sin hardens a person's heart and makes it more difficult to repent. If we deliberately choose to disobey God can and will sear our conscience; each time we sin makes the next time easier to commit. I believe today people have become blind to sin. We see it everyday and it does not bother us at all. Sin should break out hearts, it make us as Christians to turn away. If we see it in a movie, we should walk away. If we hear it in our music we should turn it off, the same goes for TV and our friends!! Don't allow sin to wear you down, building a hard path deep within you. We should steer far away from sinful practices as possible. We need to run and not look back.

Do you think sin breaks God's heart?

Would God want us to go on sinning?

I would like to encourage those reading this to follow up with this by reading Romans 6

Have a great day.

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