Friday, August 6, 2010


Proverbs 22:7-8 NIV
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender. He who sows wickedness reaps trouble, and the rod of his fury will be destroyed

Proverbs 22:7-8 NLT
Just as the rich rule the poor, so the borrower is servant to the lender. Those who plant injustice will harvest disaster, and their reign of terror will come to an end.

Proverbs 22:8 The Greek version includes an additional proverb: God blesses a man who gives cheerfully, / but his worthless deeds will come to an end. 
Compare 2 Cor.: 97.

Thoughts for the Day
These verses in Proverbs tell us how the power of wealth 
gives people an advantage over others, and that vanity 
will be reaped by those who sow iniquity.                
Verse 7 tells us that those who are rich will rule over 
those who are poor and that people who borrow money 
are in servitude to those who lend it. Having 
wealth is not sinful, as there were many people in 
the Bible who were very wealthy, such as David, 
Solomon and Abraham. All of these men had hearts
toward God and God used them to bless others.
However, being rich or poor in this world does not define 
our relationship with God. Some rich men are very poor 
in the eyes of God, because they do not serve Him; while
some poor men in this world are very rich because they 
are in right standing with God and have what the Bible 
calls "the true riches." The true riches of God is having 
His love, faith, peace, joy, protection, favor, etc. 
However, how we use money, or mammon, is one of
the ways in which God tests us, before He entrusts 
His kingdom riches to us.
Luke 16:10-11
10"Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be 
trusted with much, and whoever is dishonest with very 
little will also be dishonest with much. 11So if you have 
not been trustworthy in handling worldly wealth, who
will trust you with true riches?
One of our spiritual tests is how we deal with the small 
issues in this life. The Bible tells us that if we are not 
faithful over the small things, we will not be faithful over
larger things. I have observed this truth over my lifetime,
and it has never proven to be wrong. I have watched 
people's lives and when they fail to come through in 
the small issues, they also fail to come through on larger 
issues. People who say they will call right back and fail 
to do so, will also fail to send that check they said they 
would send. People, who tell you they will take care of 
a small matter and do not do so, will not take care of a 
larger matter. 
I am not referring to occasional oversights, of which we
all fail to do at times, but am talking about habitual 
I had a friend, when I was in college, who always excused
his messy apartment on the fact that it was just too small,
so he couldn't keep it clean and picked up. He would always complain that if he would just get a bigger house, he would 
be able to keep it clean and straight. He finally got into a
nice big house with three other roommates and instead of keeping it nice and straight, as he claimed he would do, he 
just ended up with a bigger house and a bigger mess. 
If we are not faithful in little, we will not be faithful in much. 
When I was in ministry I never give a big job to someone, 
until I first see how they will handle a small job, 
because I have found this scripture to be absolutely true.
This is true with our finances, as well. Some people are 
waiting to give their tithes and offerings when they have 
more money, but they will never have more money to give, 
until they give out of what they have. 
The Bible speaks of giving a "tithe" or ten percent, as our 
portion to the Lord. We can give this to the Lord's work, 
whether we have little or much. If we have a dollar that 
we have earned, we can give a dime to the Lord's work; 
or if we earn $100.00, we can give $10.00. 
Giving is one way that we will work our way toward getting
out of debt because it releases the favor of God and man
toward us. It is wise to get out of debt, because as long 
as we are in debt, we are servants to those who have lent
us the money. It also limits us when we are in debt, in
regard to heeding the call of the Lord. We must stay and discharge our debts, instead of being free to go and 
serve the Lord.
Verse 8 talks about the unrighteous man who is a sinner 
and is continually doing evil deeds. The Bible says, he will 
reap what he is sowing. He will come to calamity and futility. Bad things are bound to happen to people who continually 
use threats with angry words, to get people to do things. 
These kinds of people are manipulators; however, in time, 
their angry words will fail to get them what they want, and people will finally leave them to their own evil devices.

Prayer for the Day

Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You, God, for Your abundant blessings! Lord, I am grateful that I am rich with Your 
many spiritual blessings and I also appreciate the material blessings You have given me. You take good care of me, 
and I am grateful. Lord, I do ask that You help all of
Your people to get out of debt and stay out of debt. I pray
this personally as well. I want to do what Your scripture 
says, in that I do not want to owe anyone anything, except
the debt of love, and I will gladly pay that debt. Help me to show integrity in all my dealings in regard to money and finances. Lord, may I be generous and always give to the 
work of the Lord and help others as well. I ask this in the 
name of Jesus. Amen.

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