Tuesday, August 17, 2010

ONE AND ONLY........

Ezekiel 6:14

Ezekiel given the task of giving an important message of, “God never forgets those who faithfully seek to obey Him. They have a glorious future ahead.”

The phrase “then they will know that I am the Lord” (or a variation of this phrase) occurs 70 times in the book of Ezekiel. I would then believe that this phrase as some importance for the people and for us. Allow me to share my thoughts from this phrase.

In reading the book of Ezekiel, we see God punishing the sins of the people, (not the people but the sins of the people).  The purpose of God's punishment was not revenge, but to impress upon the people the truth that the Lord is the only true living God. Many people in Ezekiel's day were worshiping man - made idols and calling them gods. How about us today? What types of idols have you made? Are you calling them gods? Today we have idols like, money, sex, power, and our time. God's punishment will come upon all who put other things ahead of Him. Have you put something ahead of God? It's easy in our secular world to forget that the Lord alone is God, the supreme authority and the only source of eternal love and life. Remember that God may be using the difficulties of your life remind (or teach) you that He and Him alone is God. There is not and never will be another god.

Let us today examine ourselves and make sure that God is the Lord of your life and there is no other. Also let us pray for those who may have turned from God and may have built themselves an idol, or idols.

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