Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Why break the pencil?

I was listening to the radio and they were discussing the making and breaking of promises. One summed up the conversation when he said, “Most of us break promises as often as we break pencils. That’s just the way of life, and it’s what people expect today.”

King David didn’t see it that way. In 2 Samuel 9 we see his commitment to promises he made some 15 years earlier to Jonathan (1 Samuel 20:14-17). His actions would have astounded the people at that time. For when a new king came to power he usually treated the old royal family as the enemy—totally wiping them out.

In contrast, we see David showing them the “kindness of God” (v.3). How? In verse 7 we see that David offers Mephibosheth protection, provision, and position. David didn’t just show him mercy and protect his life, he restored his inheritance. He not only saved him from the shadow of death, but also prepared a place for him at the king’s table and treated him like a son.

We see the depth of God’s kindness in His promises under the new covenant He made with us. He offers us protection, provision, and position much beyond what David could offer Mephibosheth. He assures us of our salvation when we come in repentance and faith to Jesus Christ—promising to never leave us or forsake us. His provisions for us are Jesus, the Holy Spirit, His Word, His church, and the meeting of our physical and spiritual needs. In His grace He gives us the position of being His children and heirs of eternal life.

David showed extreme grace and mercy—in the eyes of the world—to Mephibosheth, but it is only a faint reflection of the grace and mercy that God shows to us each day.

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