Sunday, July 18, 2010


I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were either one or the other. So, because you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth. Rev. 3:15-16

Have you ever gotten a glass of water thinking it was cold only find out it warm water?  Did you spit it out like I have done? Cold water is always better then hot or warm, true?

Which one do you like better? A summer-cold glass of cooling ice water… A winter-hot cup of hot chocolate…For myself it be an all seasonal Hot cup of Coffee :)

What does the word cold mean? Mr. Webster say’s…lacking heat!! Let us look at through today's verse…

Cold is….

-Against God's ideal of putting God first

-looking at and trying the wrong stuff to fill the void in your heart (alcohol, drugs, etc)

-Un-confessed sin

-Clings to world and following it's desires

-Going through the motions (Acting righteousness when at Church or around a preacher)

What would Mr. Webster say about Hot? High Temperature, giving or feeling heat…

Let us look at through today's verse...

Hot is…

-God #1 He sits on your heart as King

-Burning desire to follow Christ alone

-In Gods will not your will

-Loves God with all your heart, soul, and mind

-Searching for God's calling for your life

-Tool of God making yourself available

-Hunger and thirst for God (without it you would die)

-Love relationship  If you hurt Him you  hurt

-Not just going through the motions (Being Real with Christ, even when you are alone

What does Mr. Webster say about lukewarm? Warm, lacking enthusiasm, indifferent…

Let us look at through today's verse...

Lukewarm is…

-Living both sides one leg in hell the other in heaven

-Searching but falling short

-Hypocrite saying the right words at Church, also saying and doing the same things with your party buddies

-Causes others to fall (stumbling block to others) (Not Christ like in your actions and or responses)

-Just pretending (Going through the motions)


We can't compare ourselves to others in order to justify our deeds. (Well, he's or she doing it.) In a race, a coach may ask for you to run against the fastest runner. Why?
If he put you with slowest runner you wouldn't have to try as hard and it would make you look good easily with no effort. Run with the big boys and you become faster and better!

What do you want?  Cold, Hot, or Lukewarm?

You have to make the choice yourself.  Nobody can make you choose....

Hot -- a true honest loving, right relationship with Christ / Christ-Like in all you do and say.

Cold--  you have a  relationship with Satan this hurts God

Lukewarm--one leg in hell the other leg in Heaven (you are lukewarm--neither hot nor cold--I am about to spit you out of my mouth.)


You can’t just set on the fence going through the motions, Christ wants you to be real and active for Him…. Stop trying to serve others and do what you think is best…live for Christ and go all the way with Him…He can change your life for all eternity.
You can only serve one. God or Satan (Count the cost.)

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