Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Just a Mustard Seed

Matthew 17:19-20

Then the followers came to Jesus alone. They said, "We tried to force the demon out of the boy, but we could not. Why were we not able to make the demon go out?" Jesus answered, "You were not able to make the demon go out, because your faith is too small. I tell you the truth. If your faith is as big as a mustard seed, then you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there.' And it will move. All things will be possible for you."


Small mindedness is not the worst of things. Smallness in faith is the worst thing. Small mindedness keeps us from seeing the grandeur, the expanse, and the plan of God. Small in faith means we see little more than what we can pull off ourselves.

Jesus had said that He gave His followers authority to cast out demons and cure diseases. The issue is not whether they were capable or had the power. They simply had very small faith. Now I'm not sure if the problem was caused by Jesus' absence, the seriousness of the boy's condition, the hardness of their hearts, or all three combined. However, they lost faith that Jesus would do what He said he would do.

So many of us lost that faith. Jesus reminds us that it doesn't take a lot -- just a mustard seed amount. What amount of faith do you have today? Put that amount in His hands and with your obedience it becomes powerful and mighty. Just think you can do anything through Christ who gives you strength.

Today's Prayer

Father, We ask you to grow our faith stronger and bolder. We believe Father, but help us believe even more! We will seek to serve you trusting in your supply of power and strength. We ask you from the depths of our soul in Jesus' name. Amen.

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