Monday, October 29, 2012

For Such a Time as This

Greetings faithful readers … At this time I would like to share with you about some upcoming changes in the amount of devotional posting. The normal routine is 5 devotions a week. And I normally prepare at least three weeks of devotions ahead.

However in the last few weeks my vision has become very blurry and it is becoming harder and harder to see in order to write and to read for studying the Bible and other material. This blurry vision also is causing severe headaches. Currently I am just about one week ahead.

The reason for my blurry vision is due to my severe nerve damage in my lower back, and a pinched nerve in my neck. Both are incurable by man.
So from now on I will be posting only one devotional on Monday’s.

I am so sorry about making these changes, but I am sure you will understand. I do ask for your prayers. 
Thanks again for your faithful reading and your understanding.

May today’s devotional be a blessing…. “For Such a Time as This”

In Christ
Pastor Don

Today’s Scripture: Esther 4

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father's house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (V 14)

Words of Devotion

The order had been given. The Jews in Persia were to be killed. Even though she was Persia's queen, Esther did not know if she could make a difference. But her cousin, Mordecai, recognized that Esther had been prepared uniquely by God for this crisis. Though she had doubts, he told her, "Who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?"

After a time of fasting, Esther approached the king. Wonderfully, her courageous actions changed the course of history and saved her people.

There are many reasons why we might feel inadequate, unworthy, or incapable of making a difference. We might like to be somewhere else, doing something different.

But God has a plan for our lives. He has uniquely prepared each of us to accomplish something special for His Kingdom. The world is changed and lives are saved when individual men and women realize that they have been called "for such a time as this" and, through faith, they take action.

Today, God has called you "for such a time as this. It is no accident that you are where you are, doing what you're doing. In special ways, the Lord has uniquely prepared you to accomplish certain tasks for His Kingdom. You also need to remember that God has an appointed time for every event in your life.

Do not doubt or be discouraged or afraid. Trust God, and focus on His call for your life. He has called you for such a time as this, for this date with destiny. Be faithful to Him, and He will bless you!

Today's Prayer: Father, thank You that You have prepared me for Your plan for my life. Show me how I can serve You where I am. Help me to be faithful to You.  In Jesus' name. Amen

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