Monday, March 14, 2011

Do People Find You Trustworthy?

Covenants and the Ability to Keep Your Promises
Today’s Text Comes From: Genesis 21:32

"So they made a covenant at Beersheba; and Abimelech and Phicol, the commander of his army, arose and returned to the land of the Philistines."

God is a God of covenants. This was a major discovery in the life of Abraham. Through every circumstance, Abraham realized that once God made a covenant, it was guaranteed to be fulfilled. It was His promise, His commitment. Covenant means: “A promise”

Abraham realized that God's words always were true. He could count on them in every situation. The Lord meant exactly what He said and fulfilled every word He had spoken. Yet Abraham also learned that there were two parts to all of God's covenants. God could be trusted to do His part, but the other parties needed to do their part as well. Only then would they receive the promised result.

Like many people, Abraham tended to depend on his human understanding. The Bible describes times when he exaggerated or distorted the facts and said things that were not really true. In his relationships with others, he did not necessarily expect that they would believe him unconditionally.

Likewise, Abraham wasn't surprised when others distorted their words, deceived him, or tried to manipulate him for their own purposes. But he had a revelation after the birth of his son Isaac: As never before, he realized that God really could be trusted.

We see Abraham applying God's principles in his relationships with others. For example, when he experienced difficulties with Abimelech and Phicol, Abraham insisted on reaching a formal agreement. He wanted these men to know that he was a man who made covenants-a man they could trust. He wanted them to know his word was true.

Today, remember that you can trust God and believe His Word. Seek to be a person who is trustworthy, one whom others can depend on. And keep Sowing Covenant Seeds with your time, talent, and treasure God has given you. He is faithful. You will Reap a Harvest!

Prayer: Father, thank You that Your Word is true. I believe You and trust You. Help me to be a person who speaks the truth and is trustworthy. In Jesus' name. Amen

Extended Reading: Genesis 21

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