Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Christmas Card from God

God's Christmas card just to you…




Matthew 1:18
His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph



Surely God's hand was upon the hand of Matthew as Matthew wrote these words. Matthew gives us the name of Christ's mother and stepfather. As a result of giving us the name of Christ's mother and stepfather, the story becomes more personal to us. Truthfully, the Christmas story is a personal story just for you.

It does not matter whether millions of others have heard or may hear this story about Christ's birth. What is important is that God wants you to understand how important you are to Him.

What is important in this story is this Christmas story is God's personal Christmas card to just you and you alone. You may, in all seriousness, take the Christmas story as God's personal Christmas card to you and you alone, for that is exactly how God meant it.

What is also important in this personal story is you know the parents name's, Joesph and Mary. In your personal life, it is one thing to have a personal friend. It is quite another thing to know your personal friend's parents.

The bond between two friends grows geometrically stronger when the two friends know each other's parents. In the same way, God has given you the personal name of Christ's mother and Christ's stepfather to increase the bond between you and Christ. May this Christmas card from God bless you and keep you.

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