Monday, July 4, 2011


The Fourth of July and fireworks go hand in hand in the United States. We impatiently wait for darkness to settle in, as we join the crowds at the city park or the riverfront. For my family we are able to gather on our back deck and watch fireworks from a local baseball team. Soon, our waiting pays off as a small streak of light hisses upwards, and the sky is filled with an explosive kaboom, colorful sparkles and lovely designs. Fireworks are for celebrations—our country’s birthday, and or for example a homerun at the ballpark.

 Wouldn't it be fun to celebrate with fireworks in church? What celebrations could we mark with fireworks? Here’s my list:

·        Every Easter hymn with,  “He is risen indeed”

·        Every announcement of the Gospel, “God’s glorious, free grace!”

·        Every baptism, “a new member in the family!”

 But I wouldn’t stop with Sunday. As we live out our lives of faith, we could celebrate every time someone:

·        notices and stops to help someone who’s hurting or in need

·        puts aside their own comfort in order to serve

·        Wisely says “YES” to an invitation to a volunteer their time at a homeless shelter. Food bank…

·        Shares their faith with others out of love and compassion not wanting others going to hell

In a firework show, the best is saved for last: the concluding climax fills the sky with deafening noise and blazing light. Similarly, we will save our best fireworks, our biggest celebrations for those events that stir heaven itself: a life transformed, a sinner who repents, a wandering soul found by our seeking God (Luke 15:7).
Praise Him–Today and Everyday! And tonight when watch the fireworks be reminded to celebrate are great God and the great things He can do through us. Be Blessed this Fourth of July 

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