Wednesday, February 6, 2013

God's Plan

Today’s Passage is: Jeremiah 29:11-14a

 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the Lord!

Words of Devotion

On the surface, everything seemed hopeless. God’s people had abandoned Him and embraced sin. As a result, judgment was coming. In fact, the people of Judah were about to go into exile.
Everything was being shaken.

But in the midst of these uncertain times, God gave His people a powerful reassurance: He still had a plan for their lives. No matter how the world conditions might appear, the Lord had not planned “calamity” for them. Although they would go through uncertainties and difficulties, His plan was for their well being. He already had planned a wonderful “future and a hope” for them.

God wanted them to focus on His sovereignty and trust in Him. He had not abandoned them. As they called upon Him, He promised to hear them. 

However, there was a condition: They needed to seek Him with their whole heart. We feel God’s concern and how much He wanted to help them, heal them, protect them, bless them, and restore them. His thoughts were “of peace and not of evil”. 

The Lord’s words of comfort and assurance still are true today. In our time, there may be problems and uncertainty in the world. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. But we need to remember that God knows the future! His plans are sure, and He wants to prosper us and give us a hope.

God does not just have a plan for the world, but also for you! In fact, you have a role to play in knowing His plan for the world and for you. How can that be? How can you know His plan for the world and you? When you seek Him with all your heart, then you will find Him. Vs 13-14 a

Today, Call on Him today! Seek after Him. He knows the plans that He has for you…and they are GREAT plans! Plans that will really bless you…

Today's Prayer: Father, thank You that You have prepared a future for me. I want to seek You. I submit my life to You. Direct my steps. Help me to serve and please You. In Jesus’ name Amen

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