Text: 1 John 2:20-22 lie comes from the truth (Vrs 21b)
of Devotion
Have you learned yet that
no lie is of the truth, that there is no possible harmony between a lie and the
truth? In other words, that there are no gray areas in life;
that a thing is either black (a lie) or it is white (the truth), and there are
no gray areas, though there may be a mingling of black with white. Every Christian has an ability to exercise
moral judgment to distinguish right from wrong. It is amazing how many
Christians have not learned this yet and still go on echoing the lie of the
world, that there can be a blending of truth and error. John utterly cuts the
ground out from under that. I wrote to you, he says, because you
have found this out, if you know Jesus Christ. You may not have thought through
the implications, but you must know that there is no possibility of blending a
lie with the truth.
One of the glorious things
about God's secret purpose, which is the restoring of the life of God to the
spirit of man and this also reestablishes standards of absolute values and
makes moral judgments possible. It shifts us from control by a conscience of
convenience to control by a conscience of conviction. (the work of the
Holy Spirit)These days we are hearing much about situational
ethics, relativism in the realm of moral judgments. What are these?
Example: If you cheat on an examination
because you do not like the teacher, this would be wrong. But if you do it
because you are desperate to get a good grade and there is no other way to do
it—you have been letting the whole thing slide until exam time and there is no
other way but to cheat, then, that is right.
But John says, No
more! Now you know the one who is the truth, and you cannot get by so easily
any more. Sooner or later you must explain your actions to Him, and all those
wonderful excuses that went over so smoothly with your spouse or friends sound
very lame when repeated to Him. He is totally unimpressed by them. He does not
say anything; He simply folds His arms and looks at you. You start stammering,
and pretty soon you stop, because, as John says, No lie comes from the
truth, and you know that now.
Start to apply these
things. Begin to examine the philosophies around you, the suggestions and
explanations of life that are presented to you. Measure them according to the
truth. Have you come to know the truth as it is in Jesus? Are you ready to listen to the
Word of God, unfolded by the Spirit of God, in order that you might
understand the world in which you live and the person who lives in it—you? Are
you willing to understand how God made you, how He intends you to function, how
He wants you to react to situations?
Will you let Him teach you to depend no
longer upon the false sense of ability that you have lived on all your life,
but to renounce that and rely instead upon His life within?
he says, because he knows the
necessary equipment is there. Now use it!
Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free
(JN 8:32)
Prayer: Father, help me to understand the truth as
it is in Christ. Help me to turn from every siren voice that beckons me away
from Him and to bring all the things I discover, all experiences, all reasoning’s,
to Him. Amen
Life Application: Excuses
we make can merely echo the lies of the world. Have we found the absolute truth
as it is in Christ or do our excuses reveal gray areas where none should exist?
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