Today’s Bible Verse: Luke 23:34
Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots.
Word of Devotions
Not only did Jesus purchase salvation for His people on the cross — He also gave us a perfect example of how to suffer graciously, to the glory of God. What we learn from Christ on the crosses that are recorded for us in Scripture, we are given examples that should shape our responses to grief, tragedy, pain, and injustice.
The first words that we hear from our Savior’s mouth—as He suffers at the hands of ignorant, cruel, and deceitful men—are words of kindness and mercy. And so the first lesson we learn from our suffering Lord is this: forgive and pray for those who have wronged you.
This, of course, is never our first inclination. We wish to strike back, speak out, or count up all the wrongs that we have suffered. Yet here is the only truly innocent person that has ever lived and, while He is dying at the unjust and cruel hands of His enemies, He is speaking words of genuine pity and pardon.
It is evident that the New Testament Christians took this example to heart, for they emulate Him time and again. As Stephen is being stoned to death for preaching the gospel, his prayer is “He fell to his knees, shouting, “Lord, don’t charge them with this sin!” ” (Acts 7:60).
As Paul faced the wicked Roman ruler Nero even some of his closest companions forsook him; yet, his response was “Everyone abandoned me. May it not be counted against them.” (2 Timothy 4:16).
Has someone harmed you? Have you been the victim of unfair treatment? How have you responded? Have you forgiven them? Have you prayed for them? If Jesus could forgive on the cross, certainly we can forgive because of the cross.
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