Praying in the Holy Spirit
Today’s Passage: Jude 1:20
“But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.”
Words of Devotion
Jesus’ disciples must have been surprised. When they had asked Him, “Increase our faith,” they might have expected a complicated teaching or a formula. Instead, He simply replied, “If you had faith like a mustard seed, you would say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you” (Luke 17:5-6).
Jesus’ response showed that faith is not a “thing” to be increased. It’s a belief, an attitude, an action that needs to be exercised.
The Bible says much about faith. For example, we know that without faith it’s impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). But we still may feel like the disciples, wondering how to increase the level of our faith.
Here Jude provides a helpful answer: We are to pray in the Holy Spirit. In fact, praying in the Spirit is essential if we want to be built up on our “most holy faith,” But you, dear friends, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit”. (Jude 1:20)
How easy it is to take the Holy Spirit for granted. But if we believe the Bible, we’ll realize that praying in the Spirit is critically important! It can open windows of blessing, give us life-changing insights, and strengthen our spiritual lives.
Do you want to increase your faith? The Bible points us to a way, and now it’s up to you: Pray in the Spirit.
Don’t take the Holy Spirit for granted. Determine to pray in the Spirit as often as you can. Tap into His resources so you can be built up and increase your faith.
PRAYER: Father, I want to increase my faith. Help me to pray in the Spirit. I seek spiritual strength, wisdom, and power that can only come from You. Thank You! In Jesus’ name Amen.
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