How should you respond to the following argument?
The Holy Spirit is just the Christian way of describing spirit guides. Spirit guides are strong souls, either from earth's past or from other worlds, who come to earth to help us make the right choices in life. Spirit guides are loving and truthful and committed to help people find the true path. They typically speak to you in your inner soul, but may at times speak through special person who has the unique ability to channel a spirit guide's presence through the body. So there is no Holy Spirit in the Christian sense. Instead, there are many holy spirits who come to help us through life.
○ What would you say to someone who told you the Holy Spirit is actually a spirit guide who has come from the past to help you?
○ Read John 14:15-20, In what ways does this scripture contrast with the above perspective?
○ Why do you think the world can't accept the one true Holy Spirit?
○ How does it make you feel to know that the one true almighty God can dwell inside you?
○ How can you know for sure that the Holy Spirit dwells inside you?
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