Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Treasuring God's Word

Today’s Passage: Proverbs 7:1-3

"My son, keep my words and store up my commands within you.
Keep my commands and you will live; guard my teachings as the apple of your eye. Bind them on your fingers;write them on the tablet of your heart."

Words of Devotion

The pastor was amazed. Meeting with other clergy from his region, he had made statements that, to him, seemed obvious. They simply were statements about the importance of making decisions that were consistent with the Bible. He had urged them to support Biblical principles.

To his surprise, he found himself isolated as the only pastor willing to make this commitment. Everyone else felt that the Bible was out-of-date or irrelevant, that what was important were issues such as “justice” and social change. How, he argued, could they make such stands without having the guidance of God’s Word? But no one would budge.

Today, many people feel like those clergy—even many who think they are Christians. Sadly, as this story illustrates, even some church leaders reject the authority of the Bible.

Why are they wrong?

First, because the Bible is God’s blueprint for successful living and its principles provide the guidelines to follow if we want to receive the blessings of God, our Creator.

Second, His Word warns us of the dangers and temptations we will face, as well as teaches us how to avoid them and be victorious.

Do you want victory in your life?

Do you want to be equipped to overcome temptation?

Then make sure you know God’s Word. Make a point to read the Bible every day. Study the Bible. Make it your foundation. Believe its promises. Heed its warnings. Keep its commands.

Today remember: Living according to His principles opens the door to His wisdom—to receiving His strength and power, protection and blessing, and all that He has prepared for you!

Today's Prayer: Father, I treasure Your Word. It is the foundation for my life. Give me understanding and wisdom that I might walk in Your ways. Help me to serve You. In Jesus’ name, Amen

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