Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Like a River Glorious

Like a River Glorious

Today’s Passage:  Isaiah 66:12

“Thus says the LORD, ‘Behold, I extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream."

Word of Ministry

During her forty-three years on earth, Frances Havergal often was sick. But even though her body was frail, she learned to trust in God and even rejoice in His goodness. 

In 1876, while vacationing in Wales, she caught a severe cold that developed into an inflammation of the lungs. Her condition deteriorated, and she was told that she might actually die. But she did not react with fear. In fact, she reacted with such peace that her friends were amazed. She commented, “If I am really going, it is too good to be true.” 

But soon, she did recover, and decided to write a hymn that described the perfect peace God had given her. It was called, “Like a River Glorious.” 

She knew that God had promised to provide “peace like a river” and to provide “perfect peace” to those who kept their minds focused on Him and who trusted in Him (Isaiah 26:3). 

As she knew from her own life, God’s perfect peace flows “like a river glorious.” In fact, it flows “fuller every day,” and it even grows “deeper all the way.” As we rest in God, we can be safe from every foe and freed of every care. 

No matter what we go through, we can trust God. In conclusion, she stated, “Stayed upon Jehovah, hearts are fully blest finding, as He promised, perfect peace and rest.” 

Today, in the midst of a complex and often difficult world, God offers you perfect peace and rest—not just a little peace, but a glorious river, an overwhelming flood of peace! Start thinking about Him. Seek Him, and share your needs with Him. Confess the promises in His Word. Praise and worship Him. Begin thanking Him for His presence. Receive His peace.

Father, I place my trust in You. Thank You for giving me perfect peace. Thank You that Your promises are true for me. In Jesus’ name Amen.

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