Saturday, April 30, 2011

God Wants To Use Your Talents

Today’s Devotion is

Who Can Be Used by God?


Today’s Text Comes from: 1 Chronicles 7:24

"His daughter was Sheerah, who built lower and upper Beth-horon, also Uzzen-sheerah."

Notes from Today’s Scriptures:

The city of Beth Horon is featured prominently in important moments in the life of Israel. Located about 15 miles northwest of Jerusalem, it was among the key cities when the Israelites conquered the Amorites (Joshua 10) and when Joshua divided the land into territories for the tribes (Joshua 16). It was a city given to the Kohathite clans (Joshua 21) and the location of a major battle with the Philistines (1 Samuel 13).

There was something unusual about Beth Horon: It was "built" by a woman, Sheerah, a daughter of Ephraim. In fact, the Bible tells us that she also built Uzzen Sheerah. Ironically, the name of this town literally means "listen to Sheerah." We don't know if she gave it this name or if it was named in her honor. But this name demonstrates that she was a person of great influence.

It's remarkable that a woman would be given such prominence in the record of an ancient people. Among all the genealogies that record the triumphs and accomplishments of men, she stands out. Her example shows that women could have a major influence in the life of Israel. We also see other examples of women playing prominent roles, including Deborah, a woman who was the judge of Israel (Judges 4).

These examples demonstrate that God can use anyone to accomplish His purposes-male or female, young or old, rich or poor. The Bible indicates that He has a special calling for each person.

He looks for those who will respond to His call, who will be faithful stewards of the resources they've been given, who are bold and obedient, who are ready to move forward in faith and put their God-given talents into action.

In your life, don't limit God. Make yourself available. Let Him use you for His Kingdom.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the gifts and talents You've given me. I commit my life to You. Use me to impact Souls for Your Kingdom. In Jesus' name Amen.

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