Monday, February 14, 2011

The Value Love

Currency of Love

Bible Verse of the Day: Hebrews 13:5

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, “Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.”



What is it to love something? In cases where true love indeed exists, toward our children for example, we know because it is expressed as much in action as in feeling. Parents serve their children, and are completely devoted to them, as are husbands and wives in loving relationship.

And we value love by how it is displayed for us, much in the same way we show our appreciation to a great waitress by giving a nice tip. Culturally, we show the value we have in products and services by our wallets, and the giving of our currency. The currency of love then is service; what and who we serve are the what and who we really love.

The Father showed us His Love in the giving of His only Son (John 3:16), and Jesus loved us even to His own death. But for many of us, rather than follow God’s example of sacrifice and express our love through service to others, we spend our lives in service of currency. As we drive through downtown, or walk through the hallway at work or school, surrounding us are reminders of what we lack.

Things like status and various forms of luxury, things money garners. What are you serving at work every day? Are you working hard to serve and love your family, or are you working to serve and love your things that money buys you?

Serve the God of life instead of paper made by man.


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